
Occupational health and safety as well as GC’s production reliability are vital issues in our business operation, especially amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, strengthening and creating stability in GC’s operation sites will enable uninterrupted production and reduce unplanned downtime to the minimum or none. Risks of operational accidents may affect GC’s business operation and stakeholders across the supply chain, e.g., process disruption, income opportunity loss, increased operation costs, impact on the environment and communities, safety of lives and assets, and stakeholder confidence, etc. • Col laborate wi th experts from PTT Group to continuously evaluate the Operational Excellence Management System (OEMS) to ensure its efficiency and effectiveness as well as enhance technical standards and machinery maintenance to streamline production credibility and maintain performance rating within the 1st quartile. • Between 2017 and 2022, GC has been working with an external consultant to develop an international standard Process Safety Management (PSM) system, giving priority to grooming executives at all levels into role models of safety and further extend such effort into enhancing employee capacity and awareness at the operational level. • Implement technology and digital technology to increase the efficiency of machinery reliability and integrity management, e.g., an online equipment and machines performance and working conditions monitoring, Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) for equipment and machinery, shifting to equipment or parts designed and created from advanced technology which can increase efficiency and credibility. • Evaluate and monitor the result of suppl iers’ operational management including the utility system to identify risks and explore management approaches to jointly reduce such risks. GC has increased our effort in tracking such performance through monthly In 2021, GC has analyzed key business as usual risk factors which may impact our business throughout the supply chain: Business as Usual Risk Factors Operational and Safety Risk Mitigation Measures Business Impacts Additional Information ISR 2021 page 176-189 One Report 2021 page 79 Business as Usual Risk Factors meetings to ensure that suppliers carry out efficient equipment maintenance and are able to operate safely and uninterruptedly, which will ultimately result in higher operational reliability and lower risks of emergency shutdown. • Implement the Business Continuity Management System (BCMS) and the Incident Management System (IMS) in managing emergencies and crises, which may cause business interuption, to mitigate the impact of such incidents and/or shorten the recovery period. In this regard, GC rehearses the Business Continuity Plan (BCP) on a regular basis. • Conduct personal safety culture promotion projects to raise awareness on safety and occupational health for employees and contractors; for example, Near Miss Terminator, Management Safety Walk, Supervisor Skill Workshop, and Hand Injuries Awareness Program, as well as implementing hand and finger injury protective equipment, etc. • Utilize knowledge obtained from collaboration with consultant to groom experts and develop employees as well as encouraging interdepartmental knowledge management to share newly developed standards or knowledge with all business units and subsidiaries. • GC Group has acquired necessary insurances to lessen impacts resulting from unforeseen incidents. 74 PTT GLOBAL CHEMICAL PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED บริษัท พีทีที โกลบอล เคมิคอล จำ �กัด (มหาชน)