
At present, cyber-attacks exist in many forms while advance technology has been exploited to carry out such attacks through various channels. Meanwhile, the sophistication of threats also increased from the application of emerging technologies along with the changing in business model and way of work. Hence, this has made GC’s production system and operations network with connection to the internet more prone to cyber threats. Failure to manage such risk will affect GC’s business continuity, credibility, image, and reputation. • GC has prepared and announced company regulation on IT security to create efficiency in IT system or network utilization and to serve as guideline for GC and subsidiaries. • Implement IT security management system and asset security practices in accordance with cyber-related international standards. • Monitor trends and remain cautious of emerging risks in both the office and factory system, as well as run tests and conduct evaluations on operational systems to align them with safety standards and to put in place a proactive preventive plan for attacks beforehand. • Conduct study and develop detection and prevention system using Deception Technology. Business as Usual Risk Factors Cyber Threat Business Impacts Business as Usual Risk Factors Mitigation Measures Cyber-attacks may affect GC’s business continuity in the forms of productions or operations system disruption, leakage of vital operational data or personal data of contract parties and suppliers, which will ultimately impact on the company’s credibility, image, and reputation as well as potential litigation for damages. • Implement Two Factor Authentication for internet facing applications. • Prepare work systems and intensify IT security to support WFH operation. • Regularly rehearse cyber incident response plan and IT system recovery plan to be prepared to address incidents in a timely manner, minimizing damage to the IT system and business operations. • Create awareness in cybersecurity associated with threats, such as knowledge sharing on best practices, prevention, and IT regulations that are relevant to employees at all levels. Additional Information ISR 2021 page 237-250 One Report 2021 page 81 78 PTT GLOBAL CHEMICAL PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED บริษัท พีทีที โกลบอล เคมิคอล จำ �กัด (มหาชน)