21 October 2021

GC Attends the “SET Webinar Series: Business & Climate Change #1” Seminar Under the topic "Understanding Climate Change as Business Drivers"


On October 21, 2021, Dr. Chaya Chandavasu, Senior Vice President, Sustainability and Corporate Branding, GC, gave a lecture at the "SET Webinar Series: Business & Climate Change #1" seminar via virtual conference. The subject of the seminar, organized by the Stock Exchange of Thailand, was "Understanding Climate Change as Business Drivers" and included ways to share knowledge together with guidelines for organizations to redesign their business operations to keep pace with changes in climate change policies and the global market in order to maintain their competitiveness.

Dr. Chaya stated that GC has been consistently committed to operating a sustainable business by incorporating environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations. The company was one of the first organizations to initiate environmental management initiatives that include measures to prevent climate change which significantly affects people around the world. Additionally, GC has adapted its strategies and business plans by turning this unfolding crisis into an opportunity by optimizing its operations for sustainable, consistent and responsive growth.

In addition to ESG, GC has unveiled clear goals and plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 20% by 2030 and achieve net zero emissions by 2050 according to the Paris Agreement. This commitment was communicated through the Together To Net Zero campaign covering three core pillars:

  • Efficiency-Driven: Optimizing every stage of our process using the ‘5R Principles’ and digital technologies, including both existing and low-carbon technologies to reduce energy and resource use.
  • Portfolio-Driven: Adapting GC Group's business portfolio to low-carbon businesses and products through innovations and investments, such as the high-value specialty chemicals business and others related to biological and environmental products, as well as products using renewable materials.
  • Compensation-Driven: Focus on nature-based problem-solving. We are ready to procure and invest in new technologies that promote carbon capture through corporate venture capital, partnerships, and business ventures.

Dr. Chaya added that companies interested in sustainable operations should not only be delivering clear policies and operating guidelines, but ensure they maintain readiness and conduct risk assessments.


15 February 2021
GC continues the “How to Yeak… How to manage infectious waste” project, providing red bags and bins to Siam Piwat Group
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09 November 2015
PTT Global Chemical Was Selected to Be The Leader of Environmental Management in Asia from The Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) for 3rd Consecutive Year.
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