Integrated Environmental Management System (EMS)
Challenges and Opportunities
GC is aware of the role of being an operational excellence organization that cause less impacts on environment, communities and society throughout the value chain in order to support the United Nation Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs). Additionally, driving forces and trends from national and international.
for example, more stringent environmental laws and regulations, increasing of stakeholder’s expectation as well as investment cost of the minimization of environmental impacts, are recognized as its key challenges to plan environmental management approaches in order to maintain competitiveness in production base.
Management Approach GRI 3-3 (2021)
Integrated Environmental Management System: EMS
Environmental Management System
Quality, Security, Safety, Occupational Health, Environment and Business Continuity Policy (QSHEB Policy) has been developed to demonstrate our commitment to oversee and closely monitor environmental and occupational health & safety of entire organization including material risks. Our board of directors and executive management are responsible for overseeing and monitoring the implementation and continuous improvement of environmental performance. Also, there is the Safety, Health and Environmental (SHE) Steering Committee who governs safety, occupational health and environmental management of GC Group. The SHE Steering Committee manages and supports other departments on a basis of the safety, health and environmental directions to ensure compliance with QSHEB policy.
We commit to conduct business with compliance to all applicable Security, Safety, Health, and Environment laws and regulations. The safety, occupational health and environmental management has been continuously improved through the excellent management of business operations, and participation and consultation with internal and external partners and relevant stakeholders. With this regards, we have set ambitious targets to effectively reduce environmental impacts, and enhance environmental responsibility in the entire organization, including providing trainings for all levels of employees and workers by work-related activities.
With our commitment to become a role model in the excellence environmental management, GC has policies and environmental management systems that integrate energy, air pollutions (NOx, SOx, VOCs), water, and waste (Hazardous and non-hazardous waste), as well as the efficient use of resources. The policies and management systems are strictly abided to national and international laws, regulations, and standards including Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand (IEAT)’s requirements. Furthermore, GC has also conducted evaluations of its operational efficiency, monitored, and reported environmental performance against international standards on a continuous basis, in order to mitigate impacts on the environment, community and society along the value chain, as well as to maintain its role as the leading company with outstanding environmental performance and increase the competitiveness. These actions have been set as strategy covering production operations and business facilities, products and services, distribution and logistics, management of waste, and also activities of suppliers, service providers, contractors and other key business partners for environmentally sustainable business operations, which are in line with the 12th National Economic and Social Development Plan and the 20-Year National Strategy while also contributing to the SDGs.
Sustainable Environmental Management Approach

Strictly comply with environmental laws, regulation and standards.

Role model in environmental-friendly products management and development.

Proactive environmental management and develop sustainability KPIs.

Sustainable environment management and expand to all sectors.
Environmental Management System Certification, Audit, and Verification
GC has developed a comprehensive management system encompassing quality, environmental, and safety aspects within its production processes. The company has obtained internationally recognized certifications through reputable third-party verifiers to ensure that its operations adhere to global standards. Additionally, GC conducts annual third-party verifications of its environmental and safety performance data to maintain transparency and compliance.
All GC facilities and operational sites (100%) have been certified under the following management standards:
- ISO 14001 - Environmental Management System
- ISO 45001 - Occupational Health and Safety Management System
- ISO 50001 - Energy Management System
- ISO 14064 - Greenhouse Gas Management
- ISO 9001 - Quality Management System
Environmental Violations
Regarding the commitment to conduct business in accordance with sustainable environmental management laws and regulations, GC continuously has no violations and non-compliance cases against environmental laws and regulations in 2023.
All 14 plants
In addition to GC plants have been certified as Green Industry
Level 5

by the Ministry of Industry which is the highest level of the Green Industry certification since 2016.