Material Topics
Governance and Compliance
Impact Level
Impact Materiality : High
Financial Materiality : Very High
Double Materiality : Very High
Supplier and
Business Partner
Public Sector/

GC recognizes the important of being in complied with business ethics, regulations, rules and standards, as well as monitoring and evaluation the compliance of its operation to prevent any possible impact to its business. For example, affect to GC's reputation, penalty fine, or lost its license to operate.

Therefore, GC has committed to operate its business in compliance with Business Codes of Conduct and Corporate Compliance Policy, which involves the board of directors, executive managements and relevant stakeholders, including, suppliers, customers and other companies (Corporate Compliance Policy). Moreover, GC has committed to conduct the compliance reviews to minimize risks from non-compliance with regulations, rules and international standards related to its business. These will uphold company's reputation and reliability to all stakeholder groups.

Management Approach GRI 3-3 (2021)

Implementation of Business Codes of Conduct and Corporate Governance

GC has developed the Corporate Compliance Policy as a reference for GC executives and employees to strictly comply with corporate policy, rules, and regulations. It also acts as a support for the supervisor to become a role model in the organization. In the case of any inquiries regarding the Corporate compliance and regulation, employees can contact their immediate supervisors or relevent business functions, namely Corporate Compliance department or law department, where employees can provide comments or complaints on certain aspects of corporate compliance, including but not limited to antitrust or competition law via If breaches or non-compliance are confirmed, failure to adhere to the code of conduct will be taken into account during employee remuneration and performance appraisals.

Moreover, GC has provided the Business Code of Conduct handbook as well as provided training and seminar to all GC's executives, employees, suppliers, subcontractors, subsidiary and joint ventrues company, which including companies that GC holds less than 51% of the stockholder. As the training completes, the stakeholders are required to acknowledge and sign an agreement to abide.

GC has communicated and provided both classroom training or online training about the Business Codes of Conduct and Corporate Compliance to GC's board of directors, executives and employees. Training for employees, such as Understanding and Compliance to Law, Rule & Regulation related to Subsidiary, and Comply with Corporate Compliance Policy and Code of Conduct, has been organized to ensure employees' understanding on updated information, which is necessary and related to their operations. The Topics of training includes,

  • Antitrust Law / Competition Law Policy
  • Anti-Corruption and Anti-Bribery Policy
  • Human Rights Policy
  • Intellectual Property Policy
  • Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism Policy
  • Confidentiality of Information Policy
  • Other Laws, Rules, and Regulations, which Concern Business of GC and GC Group Policy

More information on other highlight projects is available in the GC Integrated Sustainability Report 2023, such as:

  • Collaboration with Anti-Corruption Partners Network: Encouraging subsidiaries to declare their intent and join the Thai Private Sector Collective Action Coalition Against Corruption (CAC).
  • CSA x Fraud Risk Assessment: Integrating corruption risk assessment with the Control Self-assessment system.
  • Analytic Tool for Monitoring Business Transactions: Adopting business data analytic tools, or Power BI, to control, monitor and audit internal systems for enhanced efficiency.

Monitoring Subsidiary's Corporate Compliance Systems

GC annually monitors operation sites and subsidiary's corporate compliance and shares knowledge on the corporate governance and business code of conduct. The knowledge-sharing platform can be done through the training sessions under the cooperation between the subsidiary's GRC functions (Governance - Risk Management and Internal Control - Compliance). These are to ensure that the subsidiaries are complied with the corporate governance and business code of conduct policy and guideline, and relevant laws, rules and regulations. The recommendations acquire from the evaluation will be used in collaborative improvement with the subsidiaries.

GC has established the Code of Conduct & Compliance Policy and Monitoring Checklist Project in order to assess the practices of compliance policy that are part of GC Way of Conduct, which could reduce the compliance risk. As a result, in 2023, 100 percent of the subsidiary has complied with GC's corporate compliance policy.

Corporate Compliance Verification Systems

GC verifiers and evaluates its Corporate Compliance System to ensure the effectiveness of GC's operation in line with the international standards and related regulations. The verification and evaluation of the Corporate Compliance System covered the following five aspects.

GC evaluates and analyzes compliance processes in accordance with ISO 37301: Compliance Management Systems – 2021. In 2023, GC’s compliance system regarding relevant laws, standards and requirements, was reviewed and assessed by a third-party organization, namely the Management System Certification Institute (MSCI). Consequently, the Compliance Management System Procedure was developed to enhance the efficiency of compliance processes.