Material Topics
Sustainable Water
Impact Level
Impact Materiality : High
Financial Materiality : Medium
Public Sector
Supplier and Business Partner


  • Reduce company-wide water consumption by 2% compared to based year (2022)
  • Total net freshwater consumption in 2023 was 48 m2
  • Implement water management across industrial areas and distribute reserve water sources for security
  • Reduce water price per unit by 3% compared to base year (2022)
  • Drive the actual implementation of water shortage risk assessment and mitigation plan, and share good practices in water management across the supply chain
  • Conduct a study on Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) technology and feasibility to achieve zero wastewater emissions from 2026 onwards

Challenges and Opportunities

GC’s production process may be susceptible to the risk of water shortage due to climate change, which may result in business disruption. Moreover, changes in policy and regulation may impact production costs. Therefore, GC has worked closely with networks, government agencies, industries, water users, communities, and all stakeholders to collectively achieve efficient and sustainable water management. The company systematically monitors internal and external water usage and regularly assesses the quality of effluent to ensure that the quality of water discharged from its operations is safe and meets required legal standards.

Management Approach GRI 3-3 (2021)

Water Management and Reduction Strategy

Water Statement

At GC we recognize the critical importance of water as a finite resource. We are committed to responsible water management and continuously strive to minimize our environmental impact. Through comprehensive water use assessments, we actively identify opportunities for water efficiency improvements. Our dedicated water management team implements various actions, including upgrading equipment to reduce consumption, optimizing processes, and employing water-saving technologies. We also prioritize improving wastewater quality through advanced treatment methods, ensuring responsible discharge and minimizing environmental harm.

Furthermore, we are committed to setting ambitious targets to reduce water use across our operations while embracing the principles of our established "One Water Strategy." This strategy promotes integrated management, enhanced production process efficiency, renewable water utilization, technological investment, and securing alternative water supplies. Notably, our commitment extends beyond technical solutions; we empower our employees through comprehensive awareness training on water efficiency management programs, fostering a culture of responsible water stewardship throughout the organization. We actively promote the application of water recycling, maximizing water reuse whenever possible, and closing the loop within our processes. This commitment also emphasizes cooperation with communities in conserving and restoring upstream areas as part of our strategy. Moreover, we strive for transparency by regularly communicating operating plans and performance to stakeholders, communities, and local authorities through appropriate channels.

GC Water Management and Reduction Strategy

Water Management Governance GRI 303-1 (2018)

GC has clearly identified the position of the individual with responsibility for water-related issues and effective water management, in order to ensure that the water resources is managed efficiently and in line with the target achievement.

Position of individual Role and responsibility
Board Chairman

Board Chairman holds the highest power and authority in the board of directors. Board also provides leadership and governance to create the conditions for overall Board’s and individual Director’s effectiveness, and ensures that our business has a clear picture of its exposure to water related risks, such as water strategy impacts and opportunity for water management, covering water crisis solution, water efficiency, and water innovation. The Board endorses policies, strategies and sustainable development goals under the framework of sustainable business practices that aims to balance economy, environment and society. The Board approves, supervises and monitors KPIs and corporate goals and plans.

Board-level Committee

Water-related issues are included under the direct responsibility of the Corporate Governance and Sustainability Committee and Risk Management Committee (RMC), which are appointed by the Board of Directors. Water-related issues such as water conflicts, water consumption and water discharge quality related laws and regulations that affect the whole company are evaluated and reviewed by the CG Committee. This includes monitoring of relevant issues (including water efficiency, alternative water sourcing, and water consumption reduction target). The RMC would ensure that corporate objectives are effectively achieved and our key risks including water-related risks are managed.


CEO as the chairperson of Management Committee (MC) is responsible for the endorsement of the water-related risk mitigation plans proposed by Enterprise Risk Management Committee: (ERMC). In additional, CEO as the chairperson of Rayong Integration Management (RIM), regularly monitors stakeholder conflicts in GC’s operations area. Any concerns encountered shall be reported during the monthly meeting of RIM in order to formulate on effective water management plan to intensively respond and reduce water related conflicts with the community.

Water Management Taskforce

The Water Management Taskforce consists of representatives from business units related to environment and occupational health, public utility, business development, technology, process innovation, strategy risk management, and sustainability management. The Taskforce is responsible for defining long-term water management strategies to accommodate demand for water in line with future business growth. It also works in collaboration with the government and all stakeholders in tandem with managing potential climate change risks.

In 2023, GC has identified water-related risks and opportunities and mitigation measures in response to those risks.

Risk Management & Risk Factors

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Water management performance

Water Volume (million m2) 2020 2021 2022 2023 Target 2023
Water withdrawal (excluding saltwater) 54.07 59.46 61.49 60.61
Water discharge (excluding saltwater) 9.35 7.79 11.74 14.87
Total net freshwater consumption 44.72 51.67 49.75 45.74 48.00
Water Consumption Intensity (m3 per ton production)
2020 2021 2022 2023
2.10 2.33 2.32 2.02

More information on sustainable water management is available in

Sustainability Performance Data 2023