Emission Reduction Programs
GC has conducted many projects relating to air pollution efficiency in 2023 to control air pollution in operating sites, offices, and surrounding areas within the standards stipulated by laws, regulations, and international practices. We have also implemented innovation and technology to reduce air pollution emissions through cooperation with government agencies and petrochemical industry operators to promote the practices to reach at maximum efficiency.
GC has controlled NOx and SOx emissions from production process to be lower than the limitation that prescribed in the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report and Thai regulations. GC has developed programs to monitor NOx and SOx emissions in order to reduce impact to environment such as
- Using Continuous Emissions Monitoring System (CEMS) and periodically monitoring air emission quality by the certified external laboratories.
- Improving Gas Turbines and Low NOx Burners to reduce the NOx pollution emitted from its source.
- Adopting a policy for selecting raw materials and fuels, which have less impact to health and environment.
- Using low sulfur fuel oil and feedstock to reduce SOx emissions from combustion.
- Minimizing amount of fuel oil consumption to limit SOx emissions.
In 2023, highlights projects relating to improvement on control efficiency of air pollution include:
Collecting Benzene and 1,3 Butadiene Sample along Plant Boundary to Study Air Quality

GC has conducted a study of the air quality along the plant’s fences by collecting samples of benzene and 1,3 butadiene, in collaboration with Map Ta Phut Industrial Estate, to serve as a guideline for defining the standard monitoring value for benzene and 1,3 butadiene along the boundary. Testing locations have been assigned to cover areas along the plant’s fences and samples were collected in accordance with USEPA Method 325A and 325B standards in order to analyze the trend of air quality in the designated area. GC manages volatile organic compounds (VOCs) based on the Code of Practice. This will further lead to the definition of an appropriate standard value.