National Awards and Recognitions

SET Sustianability Awards of Honor
GC received a SET Sustianability Awards of Honor for the fourth consecutive year. The award reflects outstanding sustainable business practices as well as disclosing complete and transparent information about sustainability performance.

Thailand Sustainability Investment (THSI)
GC was included in the Thailand Sustainability Investment (THSI) list for the sixth consecutive year (2015-2020), reflecting its operations which meet the sustainability assessment criteria. The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) announces its listed companies that operate sustainably, and which incorporate social responsibility and good governance based on environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance.

GC was listed on the “Low Carbon and Sustainable Business Index” (LCSi) with an “Outstanding Score” by the Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization (TGO). GC has been assessed to be at the highest level for the third consecutive year. The award honors businesses serving as important role models that continue to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in their operations benefiting the nation.

Green Industry
GC Group won 18 awards at the Green Industry Awards for which GC received the highest assessment, Level 5, for the fourth consecutive year since 2016. Initiated by the Ministry of Industry, the award recognizes businesses that promote eco-friendly industrial practices and social responsibility so that manufacturing plants can exist sustainably side by side with communities.

CSR-DIW Continuous Award
GC Group’s seventeen plants won the CSR-DIW Continuous Award at the Corporate Social Responsibility, Department of Industrial Works (CSR-DIW) event for the thirteenth consecutive year.
Initiated by the Department of Industrial Works in partnership with the Management System Certification Institute (Thailand) (MASCI), the award aims to strengthen industrial operators encouraging them to continue to conduct socially responsibility practices.

Thailand Corporate Excellence
GC was awarded with the Distinguished Award for Sustainable Development Excellence at the Thailand Corporate Excellence Awards 2020 initiated by the Thailand Management Association (TMA) in partnership with Sasin Graduate Institute of Business Administration. The award recognizes a company’s commitment to increasing its potential and competitiveness at both the corporate and national levels.

Thai Chamber of Commerce (TCC) Outstanding Ethics Award
GC received the Outstanding Business Ethics Award from the Thai Chamber of Commerce. This award recognizes and honors exemplary organizations operating in accordance with their codes of conduct upholding ethical values, good governance, transparency, accountability, integrity, and effective anti-corruption policies that lead to sustainable business operations.

Environmental, Safety and Good Governmental Award
GC Group received the Corporate Governance, Environment, and Safety Flag Award (Gold Star and White Flag). The award recognizes companies that maintain environmental and safety management standards for at least five years.
The Corporate Governance, Environment, and Safety project was initiated by the Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand (IEAT) and awards companies that maintain their environmental, safety and social responsibility management at the excellent level.