Product Stewardship Strategy
- Products assessed with Eco-Design Criteria on an annual basis
- 100 percent of GC products received Carbon Footprint of Product (CFP)
- Expanding long-term adjusted EBITDA in Specialty Chemicals to 30 percent and in Bio and Circularity businesses to 7 percent of all product groups, by 2030.
Challenges and Opportunities
Petroleum, petrochemical, and chemical products have become the basic necessities of living while creating benefits for the country in terms of basic products and key export products which generate country’s income.
However, the problem of plastic waste has become a global concern, which requires the joint efforts of the international community to find a solution, e.g. campaigning to reduce, refrain from, and stop using plastic bags and single-use plastic, etc. Taking this issue into account, GC is committed to develop environmental-friendly, health-friendly, low-carbon, and recyclable products, including the establishment of full circularity. These responsible actions are in respond to the behavior of consumers who have become more concerned about health and environment, and to shift society’s perspective towards the importance of petrochemical products. Additionally, GC encourages consumers to use environmental-friendly and health-friendly products.
Management Approach GRI 3-3 (2021)
Product Stewardship Management Process
GC is committed to invest in research, develop, and promote the natural material and chemical-substitute innovations from reliable sources in order to create environmental-friendly and health-friendly products. In addition, GC has adopted Eco-design principles and environmentally friendly production process to reduce environmental impacts throughout the supply chain. This has enhanced competitiveness and growth opportunities for healthy and environmentally friendly chemical products. As GC determines to be a role model in product stewardship, GC has continuously set product stewardship policy and strategy plan since 2009.
Set up the first proactive environmental management plan to be the core plan for proactive environmental implementation
Executed the CFP pilot project for HDPE product
CFP certifications for HDPE product from TGO. GC was the first company in Thailand's petrochemicals industry
CFP certification for EO & EG products from TGO
CFP certifications for EO & EG products from TGO
GC's SD&AR reports were the first reports to be certified with carbon neutral by TGO
- Received CFR certification for LDPE, LLDPE, Refinery, Aromatics and Green Chemicals
- Implemented the pilot project of LCA and PWF of the Olefins and HDPE products
- Conducted Life Cycle Management (LCM)
- Studied Eco-design criteria
- Studied Product Eco-Efficiency
- Improved and planned second proactive environmental management to cover the GC Group
- Conducted LCA for all products
- Assessed PWF of the EO-Based products
- Conducted the study of Environmental Footprint of Product
- Conducted the Green GDP Study
- Recertified CFP and CFR
- Conducted the study to control hazardous substances
- Certified PWF by F.T.I.
- Certified PTT GREEN FOR LIFE label
- Applied Eco-design criteria for new product
- Recertified CFP and CFR
- Engage stakeholders for product stewardship
- Apply Eco-design in the product design
- Study and analyze the Environmental Footprint of Product
- 100% products under GC group received Carbon Footprint of Product (CFP) certification from TGO
- Hazardous chemicals will be terminated using in product
- 100% products under GC group acquire CFP
- Water footprint (WFP) certification of ARO, REF, GC-M PTA products.
- Feasibility study on transportation facilitation to support quality-improved fuel products
- Sustain products footprint certification under GC group
- Certified CFP and WFP for products from our new facilities including, GCO and GCP.
- Certified CFP for products from our recycling plant e.g. ENVICCO
- GC strategically plans and conducts researching to develop target and roadmap of sustainable product portfolio aligned with current and emerging global trends in environmentally conscious consumer goods.
Product Stewardship Policy
Product Stewardship PolicyHealth-and Environmental-Friendly Products
GC aims to develop petroleum, petrochemical, and chemical products for daily use to create a better living and respond to consumer’s needs, while at the same time, GC is also focusing on responsibility towards the environment and the society as well as create income for the country.

However, GC is also aware of the product stewardship in regard to the Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) by representing the statement of safety in feedstock and use of GC’s product.
Responsible Care
GC prioritizes product stewardship by ensuring that its manufacturing processes throughout the supply chain are socially and environmentally responsible, minimizing negative impacts while maintaining a strong focus on safety. The company has adopted the Responsible Care® framework, a voluntary initiative developed by the International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA). This global commitment by the chemical industry underscores the responsibility of companies to continuously improve performance in health, safety, and environmental protection—both in business operations and for the broader society.
GC remains dedicated to integrating the principles of Responsible Care® into its operations, contributing to global challenges by continuously enhancing environmental, health, and safety measures while improving the quality of life for all.