GC focuses on creating the best experience for all groups of employees throughout their time with the company—starting from the first day on the job until retirement. At the same time, various projects have been organized to uplift employee happiness and well-being, which includes both their well-being while working with the company and after retirement. Furthermore, GC aims to become a Happy and Zero Accident Organization; therefore, it provides employees with a working environment that is safer than legal requirements and performs ergonomic risk assessments.

In the past year, GC realizes the need to care for employees’ health and well-being. GC has supported the well-being of employees during such time of crisis through various healthcare projects, with emphasis on ergonomics and stress management.

Employee Health & Well-Being Program

GC is aware of the changes in the current business sphere. In addition to developing employee skills and capabilities, GC also cares for their well-being and good working experience. GC has conducted many programs that support wide-range benefits e.g., life insurance, health care, disability, parental leave, retirement provision, stockownership, etc., including a work from anywhere procedure. Moreover, GC adjusts to new work formats quickly and sustainably in line with GC’s business operations.

Work From Anywhere

To allow employees greater flexibility in their work and to align with changing work patterns while promoting quality of life, the company has implemented Work From Anywhere (WFA) as a work model starting from July 1, 2023. This applies to employees whose tasks can be effectively completed through information technology. The decision is at the direction of managers and above, and employees must be able to return to their respective offices (in Bangkok or Rayong) within 2 hours if needed.

Flexible Working Operations

We have policy to offer and support flexible working hours and to allow employees to work at home, so long as this can be done in a way that meets the needs of the business and there is continued compliance with the needs of employees and changes in circumstances

Family Support

The company policies are also extended to cover the well-being of our employees and their families as well.

  • GC provides 10 breast-feeding rooms in all company sites and support employees who are pregnant or recently have children.
  • GC provides health insurance for employees and their families, including spouses and children. This coverage includes vaccinations for infants and dental care for employees' children. The coverage amount has been increased from 5,000 baht to 10,000 baht. Additionally, special allowances have been introduced for employees and their families who do not claim medical expenses for a period of 1 year and 2 years, amounting to 2,500 baht and 5,500 baht, respectively.
  • GC also provide health assurance for employees and their families i.e. spouse and children We also support tuition fees for employees’ children from kindergarten school to university (age not over 22 years old).

Paid Parental Leave

  • Female employees have the rights to leave for childbirth, not more than 98 days and to receive wages during the leave but not to exceed 70 days, which is beyond Thai’s Labour Laws. If a pregnant employee holds a first class medical certificate that shows the employee cannot work on the usual duty, the employee has the right to ask an employer to change a job on a temporary basis before or after birth.
  • Male employees have the rights to parental leave for take care of their family for up to three working days per child, which is beyond Thai’s Labour Laws and to receive wages on the day of leave.
  • Employees can apply for additional personal leave or annual leave to care for family members (i.e., children, spouse, parents). The company will consider the suitability on a case-by-case basis.

Additionally, GC has projects aimed at enhancing the work environment and atmosphere, alongside supporting environmental problem-solving, reducing global warming, and decreasing greenhouse gas emissions. These projects also aim to support well-being by promoting a happy working environment, focusing on health, mindfulness, and wealth. Examples include the GC Fit & Stretch Challenge 2023, the Employee Assistance Program (EAP), the GC Wellness initiative, Medical Treatment Support, and NCD Clinic Plus.

Employee Engagement

In addition to ongoing employee well-being programs, GC also monitors the implementation results of such programs through employee satisfaction and employee engagement surveys. The surveys were prepared and developed according to the Kincentric Model which is a comprehensive multi-dimensional evaluation model In the 7 Core Experience Elements, there are factors such as enabling tools and work processes, managing and support from supervisors, developing personnel, connecting internal relationships, recognizing through evaluation and rewards, leading by senior executives, and performing in company efficiency.

GC conducts an annual employee survey. The details of employee metrics used to measure employee engagement as well as examples of the assessment results in some dimensions are as follows:

Dimension Job Satisfaction
Sample of Metrics
  • This organization inspires me to do my best work every day
  • I am proud to be part of this organization
Result of Survey 66% of respondents satisfied with the job
Actions to Improve the Job Satisfaction Rate Communication by senior executives through CEO Townhall activities helps convey the company's direction and strategy, motivating employees to drive operations towards the organization's goals.
Dimension Purpose
Sample of Metrics
  • This organization's vision provides meaningful direction to me
  • I get a sense of accomplishment from my work
Result of Survey 67% of respondents has a sense of purpose
Action to Improve the Purpose Rate Corporate Culture Promotion Project focusing on the professional collaboration between employees and their growth alongside the organization to create sustainability. Sub-projects include Leadership Showcase: Senior executives set a good example in fostering a company culture both within and across departments, GC Culture Camp: For new employees to understand the company culture, facilitating onsite reconnection among staff, Change Agent Showcase: Involving learning exchanges with recipients of the GC SPIRIT Award.
Dimension Happiness
Sample of Metrics
  • At work, my opinions and ideas seem to count
  • I truly enjoy my day-to-day work tasks
Result of Survey 59% of the respondents feeling happy in the workplace.
Action to Improve the Happiness Rate
  • The Corporate Culture Promotion Project consisting of sub-projects, such as Cross Functional Initiatives involve providing spaces for employees to group up and experiment with new work methods to meet customer needs etc.
  • The Enterprise Change Leadership Workshop promotes Line Managers to become People Managers in both managing and developing employees, ensuring that employees enjoy their work more.
Dimension Stress
  • The balance between my work and personal commitments is right for me
  • My work related stress is manageable for me
Result of Survey 65% of respondents do not experience stress at work.
Actions to Improve the Stress Rate
  • Happy Life which focuses on managing work stress provides employees with advice on problems, such as discouragement, work problems, etc., from experienced experts
  • The Work From Anywhere (WFA) policy supports employees to work from anywhere, enabling better personal and work schedule management and reducing stress from commuting.
  • The Effective Meeting project promotes knowledge and understanding to enhance the efficiency of meeting management and time allocation for meetings and work.

Performance Summary

Based on the abovementioned performance and assessment results, employee engagement level in 2023 stood at 66%.

Employee Engagement Survey Result



Employee engagement Survey Result (%)
Employees who Responded to the Survey Ratio (%)
Performance Target
2020 2021 2022 2023
Employee engagement Survey Result (%) 75 72 65 65 72
Employees who Responded to the Survey Ratio (%) 93 98 97 98
