Material Topics
Customer Relationship Management
Impact Level
Impact Materiality : Low
Financial Materiality : Medium
Double Materiality : Medium


Customer Satisfaction Score

percent in 2023

Satisfied Customer

percent in 2023

Challenges and Opportunities:

Creating customer satisfaction in GC's products and services is a key factor for GC's business profits, especially in the period of market fluctuations where there are imbalances of demand and supply of certain products. Simultaneously, changes in customer behavior and preferences towards sustainability may increase the market competition which could therefore result in loss of company's ability to retain its key customers.

Therefore, GC focuses on building customer satisfaction in products and services, and also cooperate with customers in developing products the meets the customers' needs and to the principles of circular economy, reducing air pollution and GHG emission throughout life cycle of product. To develop the marketing strategy, GC aims to expand its products to downstream business, and focuses on growing with the strategic partners in order to being recognized as "Chemical for Better Living" nationally and internationally.

Management Approach GRI 3-3 (2021)

Customer Relationship Management

To create trust and deliver customer satisfaction, GC has developed a proactive marketing strategy in order to retain our relationship with existing customers while expanding our customer base. As such GC has multiple approaches to customer relationship management, including continuous customer engagement activities, a "voice of the customer" (VoC) program that records customer complaints e.g., Customer Solution Center: CSC, and suggestions through various channels including the Company's website, annual customer satisfaction surveys, and feedback from the GC's representatives. GC has channels and processes to respond to customers' feedbacks in a timely manner. This enable the Company to investigate and analyze the causes of the problem, and subsequently form solutions, and propose it to the customers to resolve the issues. Moreover, GC will monitor the Company customer relationship services in order to prevent recurrence of similar problems in the future.

Responding to Customer Feedback

Whistleblowing channel
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Whistleblowing system
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Furthermore, GC uses the data from the customer feedbacks and the Marketing Excellence Framework (ie. Customer Value/Portfolio Management, Product Development, Pricing Excellence, Building Global Reach, and Sales Force Effectiveness) to develop the Company's annual marketing strategy.

Customer Relationship Management Framework

Using market and Customer demand in products and services, result of customer survey, and Voice of Customer (VoC) for data analysis. The analysis results have been used to improve, develop, and determine a customer relationship management plan.

Determine a strategic plan, as well as a marketing and customer relationship management plan to maintain relationship with existing customers, and create a new customer base. Additionally, establish PTT Global Chemical brand to gain customer's trust in excellent quality and services.

Promote customer engagement by organizing customer conference to receive customer's requirement, and share product information. PTTGC has provided channels for customer to send feedback and complaints, which has been used to improve operational efficiency, continuously.

Digital Technologies to Support Customer Relationship Management

In response to the current digital society, GC has applied digital technologies in its marketing and customer relationship management, weekly situation monitoring and price forecasting, as well as the analysis of customer portfolio and demand/supply in each region. This is done to ensure the Company's ability to retain its customer base. Customer data is kept confidential and not disclosed to public and un-related personnel.

Customer Satisfaction Survey

GC’s customer satisfaction evaluation

Gap Analysis

Long-term Strategy of Marketing and customer relationship identification

Short-term Strategy identification

GC has outsourced an organization to measure GC's customer satisfactions and evaluate the outcomes of GC's customer relationship management strategy and plans. International standards such as Customer eQTM Index and Commitment Share were used to evaluate GC's CRM processes and outcomes, as Customer Satisfaction Measurement, including the management structure and systems for future improvements, as well as, outcomes of the CRM plans and GC's business outlooks.

The criteria use to measure GC's customer satisfaction are products, delivery, commmunication, and marketing plan, procurement processes (ordering, purchasing and incentives) and customer services (sales, technical support, and service quality). The customer satisfaction survey will show the customer satisfaction of GC's customer and will help GC compare its performance with peers in the petrochemical sector.

Customer Satisfaction Rate

Commitment Share Index Global
Asia Pacific
Total GC
95 (95)
Performance Target 2023
2020** 2021** 2022*** 2023
Customer Satisfaction Score (percent) 93 93 93 93 93
Satisfied Customer (percent)* 95 95 95 95 95


* the Satisfied Customer is evaluated from all customer who conducted the survey

** GC conducts a customer satisfaction score and satisfied customer surveys every year in 2020 and 2021

*** GC has adjusted to conduct a customer satisfaction score and satisfied customer surveys every two years since 2022

GC was able to meet its 2022 customer statisfaction target in Thailand and abroad due to its marketing activities. As a result, GC was able to achieve the Satisfied Customer target of 95 percent which is higher than the petrochemical industrial average (B2B: Business-to-business) at 69 percent. In addition, as GC have been continuosly measuring its customer satisfaction score, GC have used the score to further assessment of the organisation's customer relationship management.

As such, GC continues to improve the Company's customer database in order to understand the customers' needs and use those insights to improve the Company's strategic operations such as efficiency improvement and short- and long-term marketing strategy enhancement. This is done to enable GC to fully understand, anticipate, and respond to customers' needs, as well as generate sustainable growth for the Company.