Emissions Reduction Target and Performance
- Air quality in all operating sites are better than the standard levels
Challenges and Opportunities
Regarding the company’s target to invest in petrochemical projects in the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) project area, which is considered as the largest special economic zone in ASEAN. This may cause concerns especially in air pollution issues. Thus, in order to combat the Air Pollutions challenge,
GC has conducted proactive air quality management plan for both inside and outside factory’s area that may be affected by its activities such as controlling and reducing VOCs emissions and canceling the use of ozone-depleting substances as well as apply innovation and advanced environmental friendly technology to control air quality at the required standards and constantly improve air quality control system.
Management Approach GRI 3-3 (2021)
Air Emissions Reduction Management
GC focuses on air quality management within the organization and surrounding communities. Hence, GC has established air quality management plan to control air quality at the required standards and constantly improving the air quality control system of the company. With clear target setting, continuous air quality measuring and monitoring, GC is committed to operate in compliance with regulations, while building trust among stakeholders.

GC prioritizes on reducing the impact of air emissions, especially the reduction of diffusion and leakage of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) from the production process. Consequently, GC has developed and improved the efficiency of production process, as well as set up monitoring plan and constantly perform a maintenance on machines and related equipment. In addition, GC has also selected advanced and high-performance equipment and technologies, in order to minimize the impact on the environment and the health of our operators and surrounding communities, and collaborated with five industrial estates and one port in Map Ta Phut area to push the pilot project for the management of 1,3-Butadiene emissions by using the Code of Practice (CoP). GC has also prepared VOCs Inventory for using as a database for management of VOCs reduction projects.
GC has been well aware of the impact of air quality that may has on the environment, thus GC has conducted air quality management projects within its factories and surrounding areas, which may be affected by its activities in both operating and maintenance periods, in order to control air quality within the standard. The company has also applied advanced environmental-friendly innovation and technology to continuously improve GC’s air quality control system.
By committing to minimize the impact of climate change, GC plans to terminate the use of ozone depleting substances by replacing R-22 with Non-CFC refrigerants by 2040.
GC has communicated the performance and listened to complaints and suggestions from all stakeholders through communication channels. GC’s efforts in controlling and seeking an approach to improve its air quality control system has resulted in a continuous decrease in air pollutions per Tons Production and achieve target in 2023.
Performance of Air Pollution Control
Target 2023
More detail about performance of air pollution control could be found on
More detail about management and air quality control related to climate change: