Management Approach GRI 3-3 (2021)

Talent Attraction & Retention is one of the key factors for the company’s success. Managing employees to stay with the organization in the long run will ensure continuity in operations and the company’s growth. Meanwhile, improper management or inattentiveness to employee needs may increase the job switching tendency of employees. The company’s business operations and long-term profitability may be affected as a result of the use of both capital and time resources to recruit and train new employees as well as to allow their adjustment to the corporate culture. To align with the Organization Transformation Strategy for 2023 – 2027, the Workforce Planning Model by enhancing its recruitment approach.

GC is committed to developing the skills and capabilities of employees at all levels to support the company’s strategies and growth while accommodating changes in today’s highly competitive and challenging business world. In addition, the company also takes into account the well-being of employees at all levels.

GC has set its workforce strategy to prepare appropriate human resource to correspond to the company’s business growth strategy, and has established a talent pool database based on employee’s capability, experience, expertise according to job position, and behavior based on the GC SPIRIT 4 Core Behaviors. The company also aims to create a positive corporate image through the medias, in order to attract talented recruits to join the company since 2022, GC updated the recruitment process to be complied with Personal Data Protection Act, B.E.2562, including applying digital technology to improve efficiency of such processes e.g., submitting request via online platforms for examining criminal records, etc.

GC also continuously tracks and collects data on talent attraction and retention through various indicators, such as new employment rate, employee turnover rate, and employee engagement rate. Furthermore, the company also employs questionnaires to learn employees’ feedback and needs in order to improve and maximize the ability to meet requirements of strategies and supporting programs or work systems.


“GC SPIRIT” defines the values that guide every GC employee, supporting the company’s mission and vision to help everybody to work together under the GC SPIRIT 4 Core Behaviors to achieve the company’s goals.

GC Spirit 4 Core Behaviors

Take initiative to create better result
Keep improving self and inspiring teamwork
Work proactively to serve customers needs
Strive for the greater good

LOGO GC SPIRIT 4 Core Behaviors

Type of Performance Appraisal

Management by Objectives

An appraisal system that encourages the determination of performance indicators that are appropriate and consistent with the goals of the department, organization, or individual task to provide clarity in performance evaluation. This also includes the determination of indicators that can create work commitment. GC annually conducts this type of the performance appraisals.

360 Degree Feedback on GC SPIRIT 4 Core Behaviors

An appraisal system that allows other people, such as colleagues, direct subordinates, customers, and third-party stakeholders, to participate in performance evaluation. The assessment of the GC SPIRIT 4 Core Behaviors focuses on the ability to work as a team and creativity in line with the corporate culture. GC annually conducts this type of the performance appraisals.

Team-based Performance Appraisal

An appraisal system that focuses on rewards & recognition for employees working on a special assignment which is a key corporate agenda to encourage its successful completion or projects that require collective effort during a certain period. The system has been improved to allow Project Leader/Project Manager to directly evaluate the scores to promote an agile work format.

Agile Conversations

In addition to regular appraisals, GC also requires employees to discuss or “check-in” to share feedback in terms of work contents, goals and GC SPIRIT 4 Core Behaviors to track the progress and success of the task according to established goals as well as to provide the opportunity to discuss ways of self-development. The “check-in” is encouraged to be conducted on a ongoing/quarterly basis.

Performance Summary

As a result of the aforementioned operations, in 2023, GC achieved a new hire rate of 4.04% and an employee turnover rate of 5.43%

New Employee Hired Rate

New Employee Hired Rate (%) 4.04
The Number and Rate of New Employees Classify by Gender

Female 1.66

Male 2.38







Employee Turnover Rate

2020 2021 2022 2023
Employee Turnover Rate (%) 6.31 3.83 5.65 5.43
The Number and Rate of Employee Turnover Classify by Gender

Female 1.99

Male 3.43







Voluntary Employee Turnover Rate

2020 2021 2022 2023
Voluntary Employee Turnover Rate (%) 2.34 2.97 4.74 4.26