Company’s Monitor Operation Measures


Appointed an anti-corruption promotion working team

GC has appointed an anti-corruption promotion working team, responsible for ensuring that GC’s anti-corruption measures are implemented efficiently in accordance with the Company’s commitment as a member of the Thai Private Sector Collective Action Against Corruption (CAC).


Reviews, examines, and improves its anti-corruption measures

GC reviews, examines, and improves its anti-corruption measures and reports to the Corporate Governance and Sustainability Committee annually in order to measure their effectiveness as well as improve their alignment with the ever-changing corruption risks.


Prescribed corruption risk assessments and set up preventive measure

GC has prescribed corruption risk assessments and set up preventive measures against risks in operational control, environmental control, and financial control.


Internal control

GC has established guidelines for auditing internal control relevant to the recording of financial transactions, the preparation of books of account, and the safeguarding of information. Any material issues detected are reported to the Board of Directors

GC has established Automated CAC Checklist System on digital platform in order to enhance examining process against all forms of corruption, reducing processing time and minimizing errors in data collection. In addition, GC has developed the E-Legal Library to collect legal information related to business operations in a single platform. This allows the company to verify the compliance of operations throughout the organization with laws, rules and regulations. It is expected that the system will be fully operational by the second quarter of 2024.

(Thailand’s Private Sector Collective Action Coalition Against Corruption: CAC)

GC has recognized and continuously operated in compliance with public and private measures of anti-corruption. In 2023, GC was certified as a member of the Thai Private Sector Collective Action Against Corruption (CAC) on June 30, 2023 for the third consecutive time since our initial membership in 2014. This year, two subsidiaries have been certified as CAC members, namely GC Maintenance and Engineering Co., Ltd. (GCME) and NPC Safety and Environmental Service Co., Ltd. (NPC). In total, six subsidiaries have been certified as CAC members. Meanwhile, GC Treasury Center Co., Ltd. (GCTC) is in the process of applying for CAC certification. GC received the CAC Change Agent Award for the second consecutive year in 2023 as a result of encouraging our suppliers to declare their intent to join CAC in order to expand the network of transparent and ethical business operations.

Moreover, GC has attended anti-corruption and anti-bribery seminars, which held by National Anti-Corruption Commission, Office of Public Sector Anti-Corruption Commission, Anti-Corruption Organization of Thailand and other partners.

GC strictly prohibits bribery and corruption including political donation and lobbying, as part of GC’s anti-corruption policy. In 2023 PTTGC did not make any contributions to and spending for political campaigns, political organizations, lobbyists or lobbying organizations, trade associations and other tax-exempt groups.

GC developed the Hook E-Learning system in various languages, including English, to enable executives and employees at all levels of GC Group and subsidiaries to equally enable their learning and understanding of contents related to Corporate Governance (CG) and GC Group Code of Conduct. Additionally, it also acts as another platform to evaluate the participant's understanding. The participants will be required to sign the acknowledgement that represents the commitment and the deployment of CG and corporate compliance policies. The evaluation result will also be used for the improvement of knowledge-sharing and training next years.

More information on performance in communication and training is available in

Sustainability Performance Data 2023