Material Topics
Climate Strategy and Energy Management
Impact Level
Impact Materiality : Very High
Financial Materiality : Very High
Double Materiality : Very High
Public Sector
Supplier and Business Partner


Reduce energy consumption by

GJ by 2030

Increase the proportion of alternative energy usage in core activities to more than 7 percent by 2030

Energy efficiency performance of plants under GC Group to achieve Top Quartile Performance in Benchmarking

Challenges and Opportunities

Climate change has exacerbated in all regions of the world and has produced wide-range impact on societies and the environment. Therefore,

GC has established climate change strategies to enhance the production process, energy management and energy conservation to achieve optimal efficiency, while also considering the possibility of utilizing alternative energy.

Management Approach GRI 3-3 (2021), GRI 302-4 (2016)

Energy Management Process

GC has implemented and certified the energy management system according to ISO50001:2018 and operated in accordance with the GC Energy Excellence Roadmap in all factories. All GC’s factories have been certified the energy management system according to ISO50001:2018 by Management System Certification Institute (Thailand); MASCI, which demonstrates efficient energy uses, continuous improvement and strictly adhering to laws and regulations.

as well as continuously develops energy conservation programs that the energy efficiency performance plants under GC Group to achieve Top Quartile Performance in Benchmarking. This could reduce energy consumption.

Performance of Energy Management

Energy Efficiency of Plants Achieving Top Quartile Performance




Accumulative Energy Reduction

(million GJ)



More information on other highlight energy management projects is available in GC Integrated Sustainability Report 2023, such as

  • Stripper Column Optimization: utilizes Advanced Process Control (APC) technology to enhance the efficiency of the stripper column by adjusting its reflux ratio to maximum efficiency and reducing energy consumption while maintaining or improving the quantity and quality of gas products.
  • Advance Membrane Separation Technology to Streamline Separation Efficiency in Production Process: enhances separation efficiency in the distillation process. As a result, the process required much less energy than the normal distillation method.
  • Renewable Energy: involves the implementation: Solar Rooftop and Floating Solar systems.
GC ISR 2023