An “Integrated Waste Management Model for National Parks – Circular Economy Prototype for the Country” Project
An “Integrated Waste Management Model for National Parks – Circular Economy Prototype for the Country” Project
GC and the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment rolled out the “Integrated Waste Management Model for National Parks and a Circular Economy Prototype for the Country” Project to promote sustainable waste management using eco-friendly bioplastic that is compostable in landfills. The project also aims to raise awareness about the responsible use of plastic in Thailand’s national parks.

National parks are important nature reserves and popular tourist attractions drawing many visitors each year. This has led to an increase in waste, especially plastic waste, due to their improper disposal and a lack of separation when discarded. In response, GC and the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment announced collaboration to implement the “Integrated Waste Management Model for National Parks – Circular Economy Prototype for the Country” project. This project aims to promote effective waste management in Thailand’s national parks and contribute to the efficient use of resources by: 1) Promoting and using bioplastic packaging as a substitute to single use plastic which is difficult to recycle; 2) Encouraging a holistic approach to waste management starting with waste separation, developing innovations, promoting value-added products through the recycling and upcycling processes along with creating ideas; and 3) PR approaches to publicize information and news that contribute to improved waste management and a shared sense of responsibility for society. This includes continuous monitoring and follow up to ensure the project is effective.

Waste management will not be successful without changing people’s mindsets and ensuring that everyone separates waste properly. Through a concerted effort and with everyone’s support, Khao Yai National Park, Thailand’s first national park, can be cleaner, more beautiful, and safer allowing visitors to appreciate the country’s natural beauty and ecosystem.

Last Update Apr 2021