22 March 2019

GC Tackles Water Management with the 3Ws + 2Ws Approach


With the question of “How could we conserve water for the for now and the next generation to use sufficiently?”, the United Nations then is aware of the global water scarcity that becomes more severe as the years passed throughout the world due to the increased global temperature that is caused by climate change.

March 22 has been considered World Water Day since 1993. With this year’s theme of “leaving no one behind”, it portrays the wish for all to have access to safe and secure water according to UN’s the Sustainable Development Goals that aim to betterment the world in every social factor, where people can live decently, economy can expand, and importantly, natural resources and environment are not exploited.

By acknowledging how water is vital to human basic needs, PTT Global Chemical Public Co., Ltd., or GC has set the sustainable management framework for both internal and external water management by using the 3Ws + 2Ws approach. The 3Ws for internal water management approach consists of water saving, water innovation, and water stewardship. While the 2Ws approach for external water management consists of water related, and water conservation.

GC manages its internal water management through various approaches such as reducing, reusing, and recycling water in its operation plants according to the 3Rs principle; integrating technology into seawater reverse osmosis system to relieve the lack of freshwater in Rayong’s Map Ta Phut area; measuring the product water footprint to better manage the direct and indirect water use and the supply chain. Moreover, GC manages its external water management with the resource efficiency approach from upstream, midstream, and downstream businesses, and by promoting cooperation across all involved sectors in raising awareness on using water efficiently for Thais through various projects such as Reforestation and Water Conservation at Huai Ma Hat that aims to restore Huai Ma Hat’s forest return to its full and normal state, and be the water body that can nourish agricultural areas that eventually would raise awareness for the community, and the InnoPlus water tank project that GC in 2017 helped communities that were facing the shortage of water problem in 2017 by giving out the InnoPlus water tanks that are made of LLDPE that are strong and light.

All in all, GC’s water conservation approach can be adapted to everyday life by starting from small things such as changing the way people use water like turning off the faucet while brushing teeth or washing hair, only washing full loads of clothes, watering plants by using the leftover water from the laundry. Hence, water efficiency is no longer impossible when it can start with you today.

#World Water Day
#Water is Life
#Water Conservation
#Water Management 3Ws + 2Ws
#Lifestyle that changes the world
#the United Nations UN

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