26 February 2020

GC Promotes the Circular Economy at the Thai Industrial Standards Institute (TISI) Seminar to Establish Standards for a Circular Economy for Sustainability


Dr. Chaya Chandavasu, Senior Vice President, Sustainability and Corporate Branding, GC, attended the opening ceremony of the “Circular Economy Standards to Create Balance for Sustainability” seminar organized by the Thai Industrial Standards Institute (TISI), as well as a lecture entitled “Circular Economy Standards for the Private Sector” which received an overwhelmingly positive response from the audience. Mr. Kobchai Sungsitthisawad, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Industry, presided over the event which took place on February 26, 2020 at IMPACT Arena, Exhibition and Convention Center, Muang Thong Thani.

TISI organized the seminar to encourage industrial operators to adapt Circular Economy principles in their business operations, standards which TISI released in January 2020. GC was among the first group of companies to act having created the GC Circular Living concept for their business, also responding to the Bio-Circular-Green (BCG) economic model initiated by the Thai government. This model integrates three dimensions: ‘B’ for Bio-Economy, ‘C’ for Circular Economy, and ‘G’ for Green Economy. The standards set by TISI for the Circular Economy ensure effective resource management providing maximum benefits while incorporating production, usage, and recycling to produce new feedstock that reduces waste or even generates zero waste. This will help improve the environment and quality of life, helping drive the country towards a BCG model that supports sustainable economic growth.


22 December 2021
พิธีรับมอบเครื่องบำบัดอากาศที่มีมลพิษและฝุ่นขนาดเล็ก PM 2.5 รุ่นที่ 3
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11 October 2021
GC รับรางวัลหุ้นยั่งยืน THSI อย่างต่อเนื่อง เป็นปีที่ 7
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01 May 2020
GC provides Face Shields made from GC Group’s PET
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