02 June 2020

GC Holds its 2020 Annual General Meeting for Shareholders and Implements Measures to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19


Chairman Dr. Piyasvasti Amranand, and Chief Executive Officer Dr. Kongkrapan Intarajang, along with GC’s team of executives and employees, welcomed the company’s shareholders and responded to their questions at the 2020 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders which was held on June 2, 2020 at Synergy Hall EnCo Building C. The purpose of the meeting was to provide an update on the company’s performance in 2019 to shareholders, in addition to announcing the interim dividend payment, legal approvals, and approval of the debenture issuance. This year, there were 1,895 shareholders and proxies participating in the meeting (including 261 individuals who came to the meeting venue).

In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the company implemented protective measures in keeping with instructions issued by the Center for the Administration of the Outbreak of the Coronavirus, the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA), and in strict compliance with laws and regulations. This includes setting up screening spots for shareholders, providing hand sanitizer gel and disinfection equipment, adhering to social distancing, limiting capacity in one room to no more than 50 seats, ensuring that attendants check-in and out using the government-mandated “Thai Chana” platform before registering and wear face masks during the meeting, and keeping the meeting to within a two-hour period. The company also facilitated shareholders who were present at the meeting by proxy ensuring they could access the meeting via live webcast through GC’s site through advance registration. GC demonstrated its capacity to adapt to the new normal by making use of up-to-date technology while remaining vigilant on the spread of coronavirus.

** Note: The company is in compliance with the Announcement of the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA)’s Order of Temporary Closure of Premises (No. 9).


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