07 October 2022

GC Joins with GPSC to Launch the Floating Solar Power Project In Line with the “Together to Net Zero” Goal


The GC Group is collaborating with GPSC on a floating solar power production project to help with climate change issues in line with GC and GPSC guidelines on carbon neutrality and net zero emissions, aiming for the goal of "Together to Net Zero" and working together to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to zero.

Mr. Anutin Chuaypen, Senior Vice President, Aromatics, PTT Global Chemical Public Company Limited (GC) said that GC is using clean energy—solar energy—in the floating power installation project to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and slow down the climate crisis. The project can produce up to 1.12 million units of electricity per year, providing a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere at an equivalent of 564 tons of carbon dioxide per year. This is comparable to reducing the installation of 1 million 1-ton-sized air conditioners throughout the 20-year contract period. GC plans to expand its installation of solar power projects to the GC Group’s own petrochemical plants for continued support of the “Together to Net Zero” approach.

Mrs. Sriprapha Sumruatruamphol, Executive Vice President, Commercial and Supply Chain Management, Global Power Synergy Public Company Limited (GPSC) explained that, as the leader of electricity and smart energy business innovation for PTT Group, GPSC Group is the project operator of all said projects, both in terms of project development and production management. In developing this project, Combined Heat and Power Producing Co., Ltd. (CHPP), GPSC Group’s flagship company for solar energy, was commissioned to design and construct floating solar installations and anchoring systems and to manufacture buoys from GC’s InnoPlus plastic resin materials to ensure stability and preparedness in the production of electricity from solar energy. As for production management, both manufacturing and maintenance will be controlled to ensure that electricity is delivered in a standardized manner, providing maximum benefit throughout the 20-year contract period. This further underscores GPSC’s leadership position in energy business innovation, using the expertise and technology within the Group to enhance the development potential of renewable energy projects in various forms.

In addition, Mr. Supasit Tongsupachok, Senior Vice President, GC Utilities, GC, attended the event, along with management and employees of the GC Group. The Floating Solar Power Project utilizes an innovation in environmentally-friendly plastics (InnoPlus plastic resin) developed by the GC group. This material has outstanding strength, is impact-resistant, has high heat and chemical-resistance, and is highly flexible and can be molded into a variety of different forms for manufacturing and use in the installation of floating solar power production systems.

This is the first of GC Group’s large-scale plastic engineering development projects for contribution to environmental conservation, the fight against climate change, and the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions to net zero.

#GC #GPSC #TogetherToNetZero #TheCloserToYouTheBetterToYou #SolarFloating


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