17 August 2017

Strengthening education in Thailand with the CONNEXT ED Project


PTT Global Chemical (PTTGC) recognizes education’s vital role as a cornerstone of Thailand’s development. As part of the company’s commitment to corporate social responsibility, PTTGC is collaborating in the “Pracharath” public-private project to strengthen basic education and leadership development in the public sector.

PTTGC and PTT Group, which includes PTT, PTTEP, Thai Oil, IRPC, and GPSC, joined together to support the CONNEXT ED Project. The project aims to develop a network of new-generation leaders who will play an important role in driving sustainable education in Thailand. This will be achieved through knowledge sharing and strategic planning in academic development with school administrations.

The CONNEXT ED Project is responding to three of Thailand’s needs: minimizing inequality in society, developing peoples’ potential, and increasing competitiveness, which are all related to the country’s human resource development strategy. It also involves activities in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

A total of 3,342 schools nationwide are participating in the project’s first phase, with employees from PTTGC’s CSR department acting as school partners. Six participating schools are under PTTGC’s supervision – two in Rayong province: Wat Noen Khoa Din School and Huai Yang Suk Sa School; and four in Patumthani province: Kajorn Sub Aum Rung School, Wat Rat Sattatham School, Wat Au Khoa School, and Wat Tawan Ruang School.

With an unprecedented level of cooperation between the public and private sectors and civil society, the Pracharath project for education development will help elevate the standards of basic education and result in more efficient leadership development. This will ensure it plays a vital role in supporting Thailand’s long-term growth.


Link to CSR Strategy: Trust, Growth, and Brand


To develop and form a connection between new leaders who will play a role in driving sustainable education in Thailand. This will be achieved through knowledge sharing and strategic planning with school administrations regarding academic development.

Business Benefit KPIs
  • Generate positive news and enhance the company’s reputation.
Social & Environmental Benefit KPIs
  • Greater efficiency for teachers at participating schools by enhancing lesson preparation and providing teaching materials.
  • Improved academic knowledge for students.
  • A principled and cutting-edge learning system that gives students STEM education and English language training.

Note: In 2017, six participating schools are under PTTGC’s supervision. In Rayong province: Wat Noen Khoa Din School and Huai Yang Suk Sa School. In Patumthani province: Kajorn Sub Aum Rung School, Wat Rat Sattatham School, Wat Au Khoa School, and Wat Tawan Ruang School.

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