GC Offers Scholarships for the Master’s Program at Chulalongkorn University’s Petroleum and Petrochemical College
PTT Global Chemical Public Company Limited (GC) has funded two scholarships for the Petroleum and Petrochemical College (PPC) at Chulalongkorn University for students in the master’s program who achieve educational excellence to support diverse applicants within the industry. The scholarship also marks an important partnership between the industrial and research & development sectors, for which GC is awarding scholarships for two consecutive years as part of the “PPC 30 Years, 30 Scholarships” initiative. Dr.Kongkrapan Intarajang, COO – Upstream Petrochemical Business at GC, presented the scholarships marking the 31st anniversary of the establishment of the PPC. Mr. Prasert Boonsampan, Chairman of the PPC’s Advisory Committee, presided over the ceremony together with other distinguished guests including Dr. Chaya Chandavasu, Senior Vice President – Science and Innovation at GC, who joined the event that took place on 20 September, 2019.
In addition, Dr. Intarajang gave a special lecture on “Key Trends and Influences of the Circular Economy on the Development of the Petrochemical Industry” as a guideline for applying knowledge about petroleum and petrochemicals to ensure the efficient use of resources. The lecture also covered the significant role of the industry, taking into account global trends and influences that prioritize the environment, serving as a prototype to promote the Circular Economy, and to showcase an industry that continues to demonstrate positive performance that benefits the country.

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