01 April 2020

GC Supports the Fight Against COVID-19 Providing Medical Gowns to Protect Healthcare Professionals from Infections in Bangkok and Rayong


On April 1, 2020, Dr. Kongkrapan Intarajang, Chief Executive Officer of GC, delivered a total of 1,500 medical gowns for healthcare professionals to prevent infections at the Faculty of Medicine, Srinakharinwirot University (SWU), HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Medical Center-MSMC Hospital (Ongkharak Campus), hospitals under the Faculty of Medicine SWU, and the Panyananthaphikkhu Chonprathan Medical Center SWU. He was accompanied by Dr. Chaya Chandavasu, Senior Vice President, Sustainability and Corporate Branding and Ms. Chatsuda Kanjanarat, Senior Vice President, Transformation Excellence at PTT Public Company Limited.

"GC expresses our solidarity with healthcare professionals who are doing their utmost to keep patients safe. We also discussed various problems with each hospital and gained a much better understanding of their medical needs during this critical time. To help with this effort, GC is providing 7,000 medical gowns to nine public hospitals covering eight districts in Rayong, including Rayong Hospital, Khao Chamao Chaloem Phrakiat Hospital Marking His Majesty the King's 80th Birthday, HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Memorial Hospital Siam Grand Palace, Pluakdaeng Hospital, Klaeng Hospital, Banchang Hospital, Nikompattana Hospital, Bankhai Hospital and Wangchan Hospital,” said Dr. Kongkrapan.

The medical gowns provided by GC are disposable and made from polyethylene (PE) under the company’s ‘InnoPlus’ brand. This mandatory protective equipment should be properly discarded and sorted after individual use to help reduce the risk of infections from patients amid the spike in new daily cases. The medical gowns were therefore specially designed and cut with long, wide sleeves making them easily wearable, lightweight, and flexible, helping prevent the risk of infections transmitted from patients to healthcare professions at the screening sites, and allowing for the proper triaging and admittance of COVID-19 patients to hospitals.


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GC ส่งมอบเรือพายพลาสติก ให้แก่กองทัพเรือ ช่วยเหลือผู้ประสบภัยน้ำท่วม
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